SG LAB FORUM and Indian Scoeity of Analytical Scientists cordially invite all leading and upcoming researchers to join AMC 2023 (Advanced Materials and Characterization) which will be held from April 25-28, 2023 at Mumbai. AMC 2023 technical committee has drafted nice technical program by inviting leading researchers working on advanced materials and advanced analytical instrumentation.
Conference background:
The rise in industrialization globally forsee increase in R&D efforts in many regions in advanced materials research. It is well documented that advanced materials possess superior properties and have applications in diverse industrial sectors. These are made up of high-quality materials that are utilized solely or in combination with other materials. The attributes of advanced materials include low weight, stiffness, resistance to chemicals, flexibility, good dimensional stability, high strength concerning fiber reinforcements, and resistance to temperature. This conference is aiming to showcase latest research findings on advanced materials research and explore opportunities towards commercialization for real world applications.
Similarly, there is constant demand for R&D efforts in analytical instrumentation and applications to support advanced materials research with materials characterization,. This conference is planning for dedicated session to present latest advancements in analytical instrumentation and new applications.
This conference is aiming to bring researchers from academia and industries together for knowledge sharing, networking and collaboration. This conference will be benificial to researchers and professionals working in food, environment, materials and pharma sectors.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Analytical Pyrolysis Technology
Analytical Pyrolysis Technology is a powerful tool for direct sample analysis without any sample preparation. This allows even polymer samples to be analysed directly which are otherwise difficult to analyse by GC-MS. This technique is being used widely in all industries including environmental, food, forensic, polymer, rubber, etc.
Join our workshop to learn from experts how it can help expanding your lab capabilities for solving different analytical problems.